Here’s The Definitive Ranking Of Halo Top Ice Cream Flavors

If you haven’t heard of Halo Top, we’re about to blow your mind. Here’s the scoop (pun intended): Halo Top is a low calorie, high protein ice cream that tastes like the real deal. We’re talking as low as 240 calories per pint! So basically, you can eat the whole container without feeling guilty. (We always do.) For the sake of comparison, a serving of Halo Top has as low as 60 calories, while a comparable amount of Ben & Jerry’s and Haagen Dazs has 250 calories. Halo Top tastes so sweet, while being low in sugar, because it’s made with organic stevia.
After trying all 17 flavors, we can say we’re actually obsessed, though our Managing Editor had previously raved about the mint chip. Plus, there’s proof you can even lose weight while indulging in the tasty treat.
The company’s CEO, Justin Woolverton, says, “We can’t keep Halo Top on shelves, whether it’s in LA, New York or Wyoming.” And we can tell you from first-hand experience, it’s not uncommon to find your favorite flavor is out of stock when you hit the market. The other cool thing: Halo Top is growing organically through word of mouth and social media.
Here’s the definitive ranking of Halo Top flavors — from best to worst. And we’ll say, our taste test resulted in plenty of surprises. The winner really took the cake (or should we say ice cream?).
1. Oatmeal Cookie

Emily Abrams
Absolutely outstanding. That’s the only way to describe it. Even if you’re not an oatmeal cookie fan, you’ll love this ice cream. It tastes like the real deal with just a hint of cinnamon, the perfect amount of oatmeal chunks sprinkled in and the balanced flavor of sweet cream. It’s undoubtedly one of the most unique flavors we’ve ever tried.
2. Black Cherry

Emily Abrams
Talk about a surprise. We didn’t expect to love the Black Cherry as much as we did, but let us tell you, it’s extraordinary. Even if you’re not usually a fan of the fruity flavors, you’ll love this one. The pieces of cherry throughout the ice cream are the cherry on top (pun intended).
3. Pistachio

Emily Abrams
It’s just oh so creamy, and the taste of pistachio strikes the perfect balance between being flavorful without being overpowering. Even if pistachio isn’t usually your thing, we promise this one will hit the spot.
4. Chocolate Almond Crunch

Emily Abrams
This fabulous flavor combines two of our favorite things: chocolate and nuts. The duo works perfectly together here. The amount of almond flavoring is just right and the almond pieces interspersed couldn’t be better.
5. Red Velvet

Emily Abrams
We didn’t expect to love the red velvet as much as we did TBH, but it’s actually great. It has the perfect mild chocolatey flavor and we’re all about the cake pieces mixed in throughout. If red velvet cake is your thing, you won’t be disappointed.
6. Peanut Butter Cup

Emily Abrams
Peanut butter lovers rejoice! This flavor won’t let you down. As one of the creamier ones, we can imagine it would be amazing in peanut butter pie. It’s a what-you-see-is-what-you-get sort of flavor with no surprises or hidden flavors. All peanut butter lovers know it’s the worst when a PB-flavored food doesn’t live up to expectations, but this one won’t let you down!
7. Mint Chip

Emily Abrams
The Mint Chip is incredibly refreshing. The flavor tastes authentic without being overpowering, and we love the chips. We wouldn’t complain if there were more chips (because isn’t that why we love mint chip in the first place? For the chips?), but then again, the sweet treat wouldn’t be so low cal. Sigh.
8. Cookie Dough

Emily Abrams
This tastes like the real deal — we’re not kidding. Who would think a lightened-up version of the ice cream favorite could be so good? Where this flavor falls short is that there just aren’t enough chunks of dough… and we get it, Halo Top wants to keep it low-cal. But the heart wants what it wants, okay?!
9. Vanilla Bean

Emily Abrams
Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Vanilla? How can it be so high on the list? Well first, it’s not just vanilla, it’s vanilla bean. That makes a difference. It’s a well-crafted classic, so we wouldn’t be mad if this pint was in front of us on the regular.
10. Lemon Cake

Emily Abrams
We had really high hopes for this one, because has lemon cake ever let us down? While we liked the subtle lemon flavor (it reminds us of those Lemonades Girls Scout cookies), we just wanted a little more from it. More lemon flavor or maybe some cake bits throughout would have been welcome.
11. Chocolate Mocha Chip

Emily Abrams
This flavor had a great coffee taste to it, but otherwise it didn’t stand out to us. Again, it’s one of those pints that has sparse chips throughout. It’s just torture at this point since we’re digging for more.
12. Sea Salt Caramel

Emily Abrams
For a flavor that has gained a lot of hype in the last few years, this one didn’t really live up to its promise. There were lovely ribbons of caramel throughout the pint, but after a bite, it reminded us of that butterscotch candy our grandparents gave us — sickeningly sweet and toothache-inducing. You can only have so much.
13. Birthday Cake

Emily Abrams
This pint’s definitely on the sweeter side, but it definitely achieves what it’s trying to accomplish. If you love the taste of cake batter, you can’t go wrong with this flavor. We totally dig the speckles of color interspersed throughout the ice cream, but if you can’t handle the sea salt caramel-level sweetness, you definitely can’t handle this one.
14. Cookies N’ Cream

Emily Abrams
In general, we love cookies n’ cream, but this one just didn’t taste as authentic to us as some of the others. It’s still creamy and flavorful, but the aftertaste is more chemical than cookie. Don’t expect it to be as good as the traditional childhood favorite.
15. Chocolate

Emily Abrams
Like fudgsicles? Then this flavor’s for you. It’s not as creamy as some of the others, and it’s a little icy to be honest. But if you’re into that sort of thing, you can’t go wrong. We compare it to the taste of a chocolate smoothie. A really, really cold one.
16. S’Mores

Emily Abrams
We were so excited for s’mores. Who doesn’t love the combination of chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers? This one also had an icy, gritty texture that left a strange dryness on your tongue. The taste was fairly artificial-tasting with no fun additions we were hoping for (like marshmallow chunks). Ugh. 🙁
17. Strawberry

Emily Abrams
We were surprised to find that strawberry made the end of this list, but guys, we couldn’t with this flavor. We love strawberries and we’re all about strawberry season, but the pint tastes like strawberry milk in ice cream form. It’s just too sweet and icy for our liking. If you want to go fruity, black cherry is the way to go.
A special thanks to Halo Top for sending the flavors over!