Google Is Creating Its Own Version Of iMessage To Take Down Apple

Hey Android users, it’s probably super frustrating that your iPhone friends text on iMessage, but you can’t. Beyond that, you may even get flack for sticking with Android while the rest of your crew is loyal to Apple. We have good news for you: Google is developing its own messaging system, “Chat,” to allow you to message across platforms, just like iPhone users can do with iMessage. We’re talking mobile and desktop, peeps. Here’s the scoop.
Google plans to transform its existing Android messaging app, which is typically pre-downloaded on Android devices, into a newer, updated system that looks and acts more like iMessage. According to The Verge, the days of sending grainy photos and the inability to confirm a text was sent or received would be over with the new functionality. Think GIFs, instant videos and send-receive timestamps.
The messaging functionality, which will be automatically installed on Android devices, will also be available to download on other devices, like your computer. Also, Android messages would be accounted for by users’ data plans, unlike with SMS, which is sometimes billed separately. So Android users could save money on their phone bills each month, depending on which carrier they use.

While a universal messaging app would certainly be welcome among Android users, there’s a potential hiccup. Google can’t update its chat system without the approval and agreement from the carriers. The Verizon and AT&Ts of the world have to be on board with implementing the changes. The good news is, Anil Sabharwal, Google’s lead on the messaging project, told The Verge that Google currently has 55 carriers worldwide willing to adopt the new system.
“We don’t believe in taking the approach that Apple does [with iMessage],” Sabharwal said. “We are fundamentally an open ecosystem. We believe in working with partners. We believe in working with our OEMs [original equipment manufacturers] to be able to deliver a great experience.”
We hope this new functionality comes to pass, for the sake of our fellow Android users. While Google’s track history of messaging tools hasn’t exactly been successful (remember Google Wave, Google Buzz, Gchat, and Google Spaces? Yeah, they died.), it will be one huge step for the company if it succeeds in creating a more universal system.