You Can Spend The Night In A Whimsical Canadian Treehouse Cocoon


These adorable Canadian vacation rentals let you sleep in your own floating bubble in the treetops.

Free Spirit Spheres are little nest-like cocoons suspended from trees in the forests of British Columbia. They’re attached with secure steel ropes and netting, yet still sway with the breeze. A night in one of these is even more whimsical than our wildest treehouse dreams.

A night for two in a Free Spirit Sphere costs between $170 to $250, depending on which cute bubble you choose.

The spheres are tucked into a remote forest on Vancouver Island.

It’s a four-hour journey from Vancouver (on the mainland).

They were created to feel one with nature.

You’ll feel totally in harmony with the forest.

You’ll wake up in the treetops.

The spheres are more than 10 feet above the ground!

The bubbles epitomize the tiny house trend.

Everything you need for a stay is in the little sphere (although your bathroom needs are an outhouse situation).

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It’s a cozy all-seasons home away from home.

You can even cuddle up during a snowstorm.

[h/t Travel and Leisure]