7 Foods That Naturally Strengthen Your Hair And Nails

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Your skin is a clear indicator of how healthy you are on the inside. Everyone wants to be silky smooth, devoid of rashes, strange spots or unusual bruising. The same principles apply to your hair and nails. These seven foods for strong hair and nails will not only help you maintain a great manicure and shiny mane, but they’ll ensure your body is getting its essential nutrients.
1. Fish

Jennifer Pallian / Unsplash
Fish is a great source of lean protein and healthy fats, both of which help feed your hair and nails positive nutrients like collagen and keratin. Eat salmon, shrimp, fresh tuna or white fish three times a week for good results and remember to avoid high-mercury sources like canned fish and swordfish.
2. Steak

Alex Munsell / Unsplash
Yay red meat! Beyond being loaded with protein, steak is a great source of another hair and nail strengthener — iron. Add a lean cut of beef to your diet once a week (and no more, or you’ll risk consuming too much saturated fat).
3. Blueberries

Mr. Lemon / Unsplash
Blueberries are jam-packed with antioxidants, containing more than most fruits. So it’s no surprise that when it comes to your hair, nails and skin, they reduce inflammation and damage. Load up on blueberries throughout the week.
4. Almonds

Juan Jose / Unsplash
Almonds are the ultimate superfood when it comes to the health of your hair and nails. The nut is rich in biotin and selenium, which are two key nutrients. Plus, it also contains magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese. What could be a better daily snack?
5. Coconut Oil

You’ve probably heard of running melted coconut oil through your hair as a form of conditioner, and it actually works. Coconut oil has proteins that help repair damaged hair and nail cells. Use it to sautée vegetables, add it to your baked goods and even rub some on your hair and nails to see results quickly.
6. Oysters

Sweet Ice Cream / Unsplash
A serving of oysters has a whopping 74 grams of zinc, which helps create proteins in your hair and nails. Incorporate them into your diet for some shiny locks.
7. Eggs

Joseph Gonzalez / Unsplash
Loaded with protein and vitamin D, eggs are also an excellent source of biotin. Make eggs a daily part of your eating routine and you’ll likely see positive results.