This App Shows You Food Porn…And Exactly Where To Get It
Food-centric Instagrams are so addictive, it’s hard to look away and you almost always end up hungry. The issue? There is typically no way of knowing where to find the dish you’ve been eyeing up. Meet the solution: FoodFaves, an app that allows foodies to find drool-worthy meals at nearby restaurants.
Restaurants use the app as a portal to upload pics of their best dishes and tag their location, business hours, website, menu and description. They include hashtags like #burgers and #dessert. Users tap the image to find out how far the restaurant is and then receive directions on how to get there.
Talk about service.
Bonus: users will only be shown restaurants close to them, so you will never see a food pic by a restaurant totally out of reach.
The app gives restaurants an opportunity to engage with their customers while foodies can discover what’s around the corner by doing what they love: scrolling through a feed of just food. It’s free to use and available now in the Apple app store.
We’re not gonna lie, this may be the best thing since GrubHub.