This Smart Label Will Let You Know When Your Food Is Contaminated
What if you could detect harmful bacteria in your food and completely avoid foodborne illnesses? Well, this dream could become a reality for everyone in the near future.
Scientists at McMaster University in Canada have developed a see-through smart label for food packaging that can detect bacterial contamination without even unwrapping the product. The smart label is comprised of biosensors that will send out a signal when harmful bacteria like E.coli and salmonella are detected.
Their goal is to have consumers connect their smartphones (or another easy-to-use device) with the biosensors so that they can know when their food isn’t safe for consumption.
This biosensing material in the smart label is made up of tiny genetic probes that are attached to a thin, transparent and flexible layer of polymer film. These probes contain DNA molecules that target specific bacteria.
Oh, and you won’t have to worry about charging this smart patch. It was designed to remain stable throughout the shelf life of any perishable packaged food product. According to Medical News Today, this smart patch could replace “sell by” labels on food and drinks with a more exact answer in real time.
Since one in 10 people become ill after eating contaminated food every year, having a widely available biosensor would be a true game changer. And by giving consumers a more definite answer about the lifespan of their food, food waste could decrease as well.
While there’s no clear answer on when these smart labels will become mainstream, we can get excited that more advanced food safety practices are on the way.
[h/t Medical News Today]
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