This Is How Eating Eggs Every Day Affects Your Body

Unsplash/Joseph Gonzales
We love eggs as much as the next person — scrambled, baked, Benedict, you name it. And we’re kind of sick of the bad rep these little guys have earned over the years due to their high cholesterol count. But scientists have learned quite a lot in the past decade or so, meaning it’s time to revisit the question, “What happens when you eat eggs every day?”
The short answer: Nothing bad, if you’re healthy. Folks who keep active, maintain a healthy body weight and already pay attention to their diets will fare just fine by eating one to three eggs every day. In fact, you’ll probably benefit from it in the following ways.
You’ll strike a better balance of carbs, protein and fat in your diet.
Let’s think this through. Say you decide to swap in one to three eggs for your breakfast in lieu of your other go-to options. When it comes to breakfast, most options — fruit, toast, cereal, bars — are full of carbs but lack healthy protein and fat. Eggs easily solve that problem, so long as you eat the whole egg. Seriously, none of that “egg whites only” business. Your standard egg contains 75 calories, 7 grams of high-quality protein and 5 grams of fat. So if you eat a couple of these babies alongside a small piece of fruit, you’re good to go.
You’ll feel full for longer.
You know what happens when you properly balance your intake of carbs, protein and fat? You actually feel full after a normal-sized meal and stay satiated for a longer period of time. Your blood sugar doesn’t spike and crash and, therefore, you don’t end up with wild cravings in the middle of the day. We know this continues with the specific “eggs for breakfast,” but hey, it works.

Unsplash/Charisse Kenion
You’ll give your brain the nutrients it needs.
Eggs are one of the best food sources of choline, an amino acid that supports brain development and memory. According to research, most Americans severely lack this important nutrient in their daily diets. However, just two eggs can supply more than half a day’s worth of choline. So your brain certainly won’t complain if you decide to eat several eggs each day.
Cholesterol, shmolesterol.
All hail science! First, cholesterol is an essential part of every cell membrane in the body. We need it to live. And because of this reliance, the liver actually produces cholesterol on its own. So when we eat cholesterol, the liver processes this information and makes less cholesterol to help the body balance out with what it needs. If anything, new data suggests that you should worry a lot less about the cholesterol content of eggs and more about their saturated fat content. Saturated fat is a vital component of balanced nutrition, but you don’t want to overdo it. So if eating eggs daily is a dream of yours, just monitor your other eggless meals and make sure their saturated fat content is on the lower side.
It’s also worth noting that it the kind of eggs you buy really does matter. When it comes to nutrition, conventional cartons in the supermarket just don’t stack up to organic options or the dozen you can snag at the farmer’s market that literally just left the chicken coop. So fork over a few extra bucks for those eggs, and you’ll be even better off.
Here’s A Foolproof Way To Cook And Peel Your Hard-Boiled Eggs
Here’s How You Can Tell If Your Eggs Have Gone Bad
The Color Of Your Eggs Doesn’t Matter For Your Health