7/14/19 Newsletter: Don’t Do This In The Sun

Catching rays means you need a decent slather of sunscreen, but there’s another factor you need to consider when you head into the sun: an increased risk of skin cancer from what you drink. A study by the American Association for Cancer Research suggested that drinking in the sun can increase a person’s chance of developing melanoma by 73 percent compared to people who don’t drink in the sun. The simplified reason? That hard seltzer by the pool can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. But, you can still enjoy that a drink outside — we recommend keeping yourself safe in the shade. [Swirled]
Life Hack Of The Day: iPhone Scanner Edition
Did you know there’s a hidden scan feature in your Apple Notes app? To access it, create a new note, and tap the plus sign (+) from the pop-up menu. Choose scan and snap a photo. The phone will recognize the border of the document and let you adjust the sizing. Once you’re happy with the scan, choose Keep Scan, then scan another document or hit save. From there you can export to email. Genius.
Nothing quite matches the dread of realizing that you missed an essential step in your morning routine: deodorant. Have no fear; we’ve got a few on-the-go fixes so you can be fresh as a daisy. A few sprinkles of baking soda mixed with water will absorb sweat and help to neutralize odor. And (we love this) a few dabs of hand sanitizer will eliminate underarm odor. Tap through for more ideas. [Swirled]
Career + Finance + Tech
Saving money may sound daunting but even small steps, like saving your change, can add up. Start by making a simple budget — stick with it — and be mindful of credit card usage. If you aren’t able to pay cash for something, it’s best to hold off until you’re ready. [MyDomaine]
Editors’ Picks:
Amazon Prime Day starts tomorrow and you know we love a good deal. Check out our picks for the best of the best — happy shopping!
10 Best Tech Gadgets In 2019: Whether they’re a tech junkie or looking for ways to simplify their day-to-day, these gadgets are perfect gifts for almost everybody in your life — including yourself. Shop now.
5 Keys To The Best Home Gym: When curating a home gym, we keep it simple. Each of our picks take up very little space in your home (we hear you, studio apartment dwellers), and all of them come in handy for efficient, total-body workouts.
9 Kitchen Gadgets That Will Get You Excited About Cooking: These kitchen products are so aesthetically beautiful, you’ll wonder why you didn’t upgrade your kitchen sooner.
Food + Drink
Our favorite duo, Ben & Jerry’s, created some weird and wild flavors, including popcorn-flavored ice cream. The pint combined caramel ice cream with white fudge-covered caramel popcorn, toffee-coated peanuts and a caramel swirl. Should they make a comeback? What about Holy Cannoli, Schweddy Balls or Festivus? Tap through and reminisce about some favorites that have since gone out to pasture that we find weirdly awesome. [Swirled]
Recipe Of The Day: Celebrate Bastille Day with a classic ratatouille — you won’t be disappointed. The rustic French classic is a simple but flavorful combination of all the best of summer. Cook cubes of eggplant until golden brown. Remove from pan and add onions, garlic, a bouquet of basil and chili flakes. Once translucent, add sweet peppers, then summer squash and tomatoes. Finally, add the eggplant back to the pan, adjust the seasoning and serve with a crusty loaf of French bread. [Food 52]
A quick tip from yours truly: Even though your summer produce is at its peak, don’t skip the pre-salting step. Pre-salting the veggies helps to remove lingering bitterness and will make them sweeter with a fuller flavor.
Do you have a kitchen tip to share? Let us know: [email protected].
The Secrets To Camping On Any Budget, From Tents To Glamping -Swirled
An Ohio Road Trip To Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing – Travel + Leisure
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