Diet Avocados Exist And We’re Honestly Confused


Call us millennials, but avocados are bae. They add a decadent creaminess to nearly every dish, are a nutrient-packed addition to sweets and they’re an excellent source of healthy fat. Plus, avos are pretty. What’s not to like about the fruit? Just look at this gorgeous avo toast:

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Apparently though, regular avocados don’t cut it for some people out there. Grub Street reports that a Spanish fruit company announced the creation of “diet avocados.” Our response: WHYYYYYY?!

Eurobann’s Isla Bonita created Avocado Light, which is said to include only 30 percent of a regular avocado’s fat. According to Grub Street, the avocados have a “mild flavor” and “juicier pulp.” Yep, exactly what we want in an avocado, except no.

Obviously, we have problems with this product. We’d like to reiterate that a normal avocado has good, healthy fats. It is filled to the brim with essential nutrients like potassium, B-vitamins and folic acid. Avocados can even lessen your risk of getting cancer.

So, Isla Bonita, tell us again why you had to go and mess with a good thing? We’re not about to swap our beloved superfood for a watery discount version that could be so genetically-modified, all those important nutrients are gone and chemicals take their place. Just…no thanks.