There’s A Reason Why You Always Have Room For Dessert


Have you ever wondered how even after eating a huge meal you still have room to polish off that slice of cake? There’s a scientific reason behind the phenomenon. Time reports on the findings of a study that suggest that your stomach allows for the extra room for something sweet because it craves variety.

Laura Wilkinson and Jeffrey Brunstrom of the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health found that the stomach goes through a process called sensory specific satiety. The concept refers to the lack of interest you take in a certain food after eating it for an extended period of time and the increase in interest of a food opposite in taste.

So basically, when you’re devouring something savory, you may be getting full, but your body’s also getting bored. Enter…dessert.

According to the study, you’re more likely to want dessert when your dinner consists of food that’s similar in taste. A lack of variety in your meal primes you to want that bowl of ice cream.

Here’s how to beat the system:

Pre-plan your meals and embrace variety in what you eat. There should be a good balance of protein, fat and carbs. The idea is that you won’t get bored by your food if you have enough flavors to entertain you. Then you may be less likely to crave dessert.

We love our dessert, but we wouldn’t mind curbing our cravings for sugar. Maintaining balance is key, so make good choices — starting with dinner.