12 Dessert Pizzas That Will Fuel Your Pie Obsession


Pizza is delicious in its traditional form, but it’s also the perfect inspiration for dessert. Cookie dough or Reese’s pizza, anyone? We’d take them any day. These dessert pizzas are sure to be crowd pleasers at your next party.

1. Red Velvet Pizza

#SweetRose #SweetPizza #RedvelvetPizza #FastfoodDesserts #SweetSomething

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2. Cookie Dough Pizza

3. Ice Cream Pizza

4. Brownie Candy Pizza

5. Nutella Pizza

6. Strawberry Banana Chocolate Pizza

7. Chocolate Overload Pizza

Čokoládová pizza 😂😂🖕🏿 #pizza #chocolate #chocolatepizza #conevymysli #nicmoc

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8. Candy Pizza

9. Oreo Pizza

S&R OREO DESSERT PIZZA 🍫🍕 #snrpizza #oreopizza

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10. Reese’s Pizza

11. S’mores Pizza

12. Hot Chocolate Pizza

Ooey gooey goodness. Have you tried our #hotchocolatepizza yet? #stevibs #specialtypizza

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