David Chang’s New Netflix Series ‘Ugly Delicious’ Leaves No Comfort Food Untouched

The name of the show alone is enough to intrigue you. David Chang — the influential Korean-American founder and chef of Momofuku — has a new Netflix series called “Ugly Delicious” and it’s a must-watch. The eight-part documentary food series gets its catchy name from a hashtag Chang often uses on Instagram to share his favorite dishes.
The Netflix series features Chang eating and drinking with influential writers, chefs and entertainers at respected and sought-after restaurants around the world. The show cuts way deeper than just the food itself. Chang, along with the Oscar-winning director Morgan Neville, goes to great lengths to explore all of the amusing and sometimes uncomfortable connections that different cultures have with comfort foods.
Each episode is devoted to a different food category. You have pizza, tacos, home cooking, shrimp and crawfish, BBQ, fried chicken, fried rice and stuffed foods. Each topic gets a deep dive, Chang-style.
This raw and unfiltered Netflix series explores how food brings us together and how certain experiences are tied to different foods. No stone is left unturned. Chang spotlights the foods that break down barriers of what’s considered “normal” and embraces different cuisines for what they truly are. The Momofuku mogul picks apart bucket list-worthy delicacies from around the globe and shares brutally honest opinions.
Most of all, “Ugly Delicious” asks the big questions when it comes to the roots of different dishes and why we think about them the way we do. One thing is for sure: You might never think about your favorite foods the same way again.
If you’re looking for a food series that’ll make your mouth water while causing you to question everything you thought you knew about your favorite cuisines, you have some quality Netflix binging to do.