Go Underground To See 8 Of The Coolest Subway Stations In The World


There’s a lot of sightseeing to be done on street level, but in certain cities around the world, there’s even more to be seen in transit. Go underground, subway-style.

These eight subway stations are some of the coolest in the world, making your commute part of your city tour. (No word on when the United States is going to step up its game to get on this level, though. We’re waiting, metro transit authorities around America!)

1. Candidplatz — Munich, Germany

2. Komsomolskaya — Moscow, Russia

3. Universidad de Chile — Santiago, Chile

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4. Centralstation — Stockholm, Sweden

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5. Arts et Métiers — Paris, France

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6. Heidelberger Platz — Berlin, Germany

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7. Olaias — Lisbon, Portugal

8. Avtovo — Saint Petersburg, Russia

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