Brace Yourselves, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos Could Become A Reality
Thanks to social media, we no longer have to wait in anticipation while browsing through the supermarket cookie aisle to stumble upon new flavors. According to the Instagram account @junkbanter, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos are set to hit shelves at a store near you. The cookies themselves taste like graham cracker pie crust and the filling is a combination of peanut butter and chocolate cream.
This pie-themed Oreo flavor should make its official debut soon, just in time for the holidays, according to @candyhunting. While this isn’t the first chocolate and peanut butter creation to come from Oreo — can’t forget the classic Peanut Butter Oreo and the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreo — this is the first that’s not a sandwich with chocolate cookies. Chances are you’ll be the hero if you show up to your holiday festivities with a package of these babies.
[h/t Delish]