Your Inner Kid Is About To Freak Out Because Chocolate Hazelnut Dunkaroos Exist

While the kiddos of 2018 are being fed kale chips and gluten-free granola bars (yay health!) there was a time when dunking hot air balloon-shaped cookies into rainbow sprinkled vanilla icing was acceptable. While Dunkaroos production in the United States came to a disappointing halt about six years ago, it turns out your favorite sugar coma-inducing childhood snack is still living its best life in Australia.
Not only are Dunkaroos still around in the land down under, but there’s an extra flavor that we haven’t heard of. We’re talking about chocolate-hazelnut icing with kangaroo-shaped cookies for dipping. This is blasphemous. Why would Dunkaroos deprive American kids like this?
These chocolatey Dunkaroos are made with actual hazelnuts. While this undiscovered flavor isn’t widely available on Amazon, you can buy a six-pack through the Australian Food Shop for $10.90 and have them shipped to the United States.
Dunkaroos were about as iconic as Lunchables or Gushers. The Betty Crocker snack held a special place in hearts all over the country and apparently is still going strong in other parts of the world. If you were 90s kid, you know the thrill of peeling back the seal one of those rectangular-shaped blue packages.
You probably remember never being fully satisfied with the icing to cookie ratio. One cubic inch of icing for 10 cookies? What’s a kid to do? Our theory: Order a whole bunch of these Aussie snacks. We’ll admit it, we’re pretty jealous that Australian kids get to sit back and relax with these Nutella-esque Dunkaroos.
It looks like we’ll be racking up some international shipping costs. Happy dunking!
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