There’s A Right Way And A Wrong Way To Pack Your Presents When You Travel


It’s a disputed question: to wrap or not to wrap the presents you’re bringing on an airplane. And we are firmly Team Don’t Wrap.

Your beautifully-wrapped presents will probably make it through TSA undisturbed, but if you set off any alarms because of a forgotten water bottle or a pair of scissors, the agents might have to tear off that wrapping paper.

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If you’re traveling with the perfect present for your partner and bae is right next to you as TSA unwraps the gift, then the surprise is ruined. And let’s not even discuss what could happen if gifts from Santa were discovered in Mom or Dad’s bags at the airport. The horror.

Now, your friendly neighborhood TSA agent might not be a jerk and rip open the present right in plain sight, but everyone’s in a hurry during the holiday travel rush. Sometimes mistakes get made.

So just to be safe, don’t plan on arriving at your holiday destination with wrapped presents in hand. Instead, pack your gifts and wrapping paper, ribbons and bows separately and save the present decorating for after the security line.