Chain Restaurants Are Now Required To List Calories On All Menus

So long, mysterious menus. From now on, you’ll know just how many calories you’re putting into your body when dining at chain restaurants, thanks to a new law.
As one of the final parts of the Affordable Care Act, restaurants will be required to list calories and provide on-site additional nutrition information like sodium and fat levels to consumers. Any chain with more than 20 stores will need to comply with these new nutrition-focused laws.
Restaurant chains won’t be the only ones affected by these new policies. According to CNN, convenience stores, grocers, pizza delivery companies, vending machines and movie theatres will also have to meet these new requirements.

Now that nutritional information will be up front and center, consumers will become more enlightened about what they’re eating on a daily basis. While some people might argue that these policies are bombarding customers with the information they may or may not want to know, we think that knowledge really is power.
As the obesity epidemic in the United States gets increasingly worse, government-mandated calorie requirements like these are bound to be a positive step forward.
Why Counting Calories Has Nothing To Do With Healthy Eating
Here’s How To Figure Out How Many Calories You Actually Need In A Day
5 Sneaky Ways You Can Burn Calories Every Day