Venice’s Most Beautiful Spot Is Actually The Rainbow Island Of Burano

You won’t find these shockingly bright hues wandering along the Grand Canal in Venice. You won’t even spot them if you get really lost in the back channels and charming narrow corridors and waterways. In order to walk inside this village-shaped rainbow, you have to go by ferry — not gondola.
The island of Burano (which is not to be mistaken with the conveniently close glass-blowing island of Murano) is famous for its gorgeous painted buildings, and it’s just a short boat ride away from the Venice city center. You can catch a ferry (here called a vaporetto) to the island from a stop near the main piazza, San Marco. Fares run about $9.
Why is the island so colorful? It’s all about the tradition. Back in the day, villagers painted their homes in bright colors to creatively mark their territory. Burano is a fishing village, so the bright colors were easy to spot from boats out to sea.
The village also produces beautiful lace, so your photo ops include some handmade creations as well. You’ll barely be able to put the camera down!
It’s best suited for a day trip. Burano is a small island and, although you could stare at the colorful walls for hours, it doesn’t really exist to thrill tourists apart from its looks. Take a walk through the beautiful streets, sample some local baked goods or gelato and browse the adorable artisan lace shops before heading back to the mainland for the evening. Since it’s a fishing village, the seafood is tops for lunch!