Royal Job Alert: You Can Travel, Plan Garden Parties And Work At Buckingham Palace

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Meghan Markle isn’t the only addition to the British royal family. You could join the team too, as the royal household’s new communication assistant.
If you land the job, for an entire year you would assist the crown in hosting garden parties and unveiling important royal news to the public. You’d be based out of Buckingham Palace. So those Cinderella fantasies you’ve been harboring? It’s your time, friend. Harry’s off the market, but you never know which visiting duke or duchess might catch your fancy.
It’s mostly a communications job, meaning you’ll write press releases and social media posts. But this also means you’d be one of the first people in the entire world to know what the next royal British baby name will be.
According to the LinkedIn job posting, there is some travel involved. You might be required to attend a state visit, award ceremony or another royal engagement. And in addition to traveling on the job, you get 33 vacation days a year.
Sound like a dream come true? You can apply on LinkedIn. See, the Royals are just like us. When they hire an assistant, they also post on LinkedIn! We’re rooting for you, Anglophiles.