For The First Time, Science Links Black Tea To Weight Loss


If you’re an English Breakfast tea fan, researchers now have a new healthy reason for you to keep your pantry stocked with your favorite brew.

According to a new study from the University of California, Los Angeles, black tea can promote weight loss and other health benefits, thanks to its ability to change the bacteria in your digestive system. It is considered a prebiotic, meaning it catalyzes the growth of good microorganisms in the gut that boosts overall well-being.

In the study, scientists fed four groups of mice different diets: the first was high in sugar and low in fat, the second was high in both sugar and fat, the third was high in sugar and fat along with green tea extract, and the fourth was high in sugar and fat along with black tea extract.

After four weeks, the mice fed green and black tea extracts exhibited a drop in body fat that made them comparable to the mice originally fed the low-fat diet. And when the scientists analyzed the mice intestines and liver tissue, they found that the ones who consumed either tea extract had more bacteria associated with lean body mass and fewer bacteria associated with obesity.

Unsplash/Igor Miske

While the metabolic and digestive benefits of green tea have long been established, this is the first study to acknowledge black tea as having similar benefits. Polyphenols, or antioxidants, in green tea are small enough to be absorbed by the body’s blood and tissues, but black tea polyphenols are too large. Instead, they help to stimulate the growth of that good gut bacteria that positively alters energy metabolism in the liver. So, both teas boost metabolic function — just in two distinct ways.

Beyond metabolic and digestive health, black tea is known for preventing the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth, improving overall oral health. The phytochemicals in black tea also help us to maintain strong bones while the antioxidants protect our hearts from stroke and our tissues from cancer. Plus, sipping a cup just has a way of making us feel more happy and relaxed.

So cheers to enjoying the tea you already love rather than forcing yourself to guzzle green tea for the sake of a metabolism boost. Brew away, black tea lovers!