7 Products That Will Seriously Brighten Your Workday

Getting through an eight-hour workday, especially if you work in an office, can be grueling. Though there’s not much we can do about the office aspect, we can guarantee you there are ways to make life a lot better. These products will not only help you get shit done, but they’ll make you significantly happier. No more office blues.
1. Light Accents Table Lamp With Wooden Base — $19.95

No one loves those ugly iridescent desk lights. Swap yours out with something much cooler.
2. FUUT Under-Desk Foot Hammock — $8.80

Buying this product may not make you more *productive*, but it’ll definitely make you feel more relaxed. Your feet will thank you.
3. Bellemain Desktop Mug Warmer — $9.95

You’ll coffee or tea will never cool to room temperature again. Win!
4. White Openwork Freestanding Desk Organizer — $19.99

Put your books, plants and other fun office stuff on display all at once!
5. Portable Desk Fridge — $39.99

Because who has time to grab a drink when you’re in the zone?
6. Under-The-Desk Elliptical — $71.99

It makes total sense to get a workout in while you’re sitting at your desk. It’s genius.
7. Marble Sticky Notes — $9.39

You’ll never be more excited to leave yourself reminders.