This Beach Was Named The Best In The U.S. For 2017

Beach bums, we have news for you. Your next sandy getaway is already planned and ready for you to take it. Oh, you were thinking Key West again? We think not. The best beach of 2017 is probably one that hasn’t crossed your mind, but it topped the list for a reason.
The Huffington Post reports that according to this year’s Dr. Beach ranking, Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida grabbed the number one spot for the best U.S. beach.
The ranking was created by Florida International University professor Stephen P. Leatherman, who bases his rankings on 50 criteria, including water temperature, sand quality and environmental upkeep. Siesta Beach has been ranked high in the past years particularly because of its pearly white sand and clear, Caribbean-esque waters. It also just underwent a $21 million makeover that added in a new playground, more parking spots and a variety of picnic areas.
Siesta Beach even beat out the best beaches in Hawaii and California. And with calm, crystal waters like these, we can honestly see why.
We’d love to take a trip there, and since it’s just a domestic flight away, paradise has never been more accessible. Pack your bags!