5 Wine-Soaked Cheeses That Are Perfect For Your Next Dinner Party

Wine and cheese are the best of friends. And what do you do when two foods compliment each other so well? You combine them, of course! Cheesemakers who know best are soaking wheels of cheese in wine during the aging process to give you delectable, drunken cheese. You know what pairs really well with wine-soaked cheese? More wine, duh. Here are five kinds of wine-soaked cheese that let you have your wine and eat it, too.
1. Drunken Goat — Di Bruno Bros
This hard goat cheese originates from Spain and gets bathed in red wine. It’s meant to be on the fruity side with a goat cheese taste that isn’t too overpowering.
2. Port Wine Derby — Belton Farms
Port Wine Derby (Derby is a mild, semi-firm buttery cheese from Derbyshire, England) is smooth, creamy and marbled with a delicate Port wine and sweet berry aftertaste. It’s a deep ruby red color thanks to the port wine that has naturally blended in during the maturing process.
3. Weinkase Lagrein — Murray’s Cheese
While the name itself is German and translates to “wine cheese,” Weinkase Lagrein comes from Northern Italy. The creamy and smooth cow’s milk cheese is soaked in a combination of Italian Lagrein wine, herbs, garlic and pepper for five days and then aged for two to four months.
4. Creamy Toscano Cheese Soaked In Syrah — Trader Joe’s
You’ll find a blend of parmesan and cheddar with this creamy Toscano cheese from Trader Joe’s. The mild and nutty cheese is soaked in Syrah wine, which is one of the darkest red wines out there, with notes of berries, pepper and tobacco.
5. Murcia Al Vino — Gourmet Foodstore
Made from goat milk, Murcia Al Vino cheese is soaked in a full-bodied red wine from Murcia, Spain. This cheese is semi-sharp, firm and buttery. It’s somewhere in the realm of provolone cheese and perfect for snacking.