9 Travel Dogs To Follow On Instagram For Some Warm Fuzzies In Your Feed

You know what your Instagram feed needs? More dogs. This is just a fact. So why not combine the two best things about IG, dogs and travel photos by following these travel dogs.
Look, we know it’s a little bittersweet to think of the pups out there who have seen more countries than you have stamps in your passport. But when you see their happy little faces, you can’t help but get the warm and fuzzies.
1. Rasta of @rastawhiteshepherd
Rasta, along with photographer owner, explore the mountains of Switzerland. This doggo hikes with the best of ’em.
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2. Jasper of @jaspywoof
Part husky, part lab, Jasper is a rescue pup currently living his best life traveling with his pawrents around Canada.
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3. Cooper of @littlecooperbear
Cooper is a California pup who hangs out in San Francisco and on the road. He’s also a therapy dog.
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4. Nala of @dogswiss
This gorgeous chocolate lab lives in the Swiss Alps and often appears on the amazing @campingwithdogs account.
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5. Miami of @miamitravellerdog
Italian Miami is more of a city-slicker than her mountain dog friends.
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6. Jasper of @jazzpaws
Another doggie Jasper worth a follow, this pup is an adventurer (and also appears on @campingwithdogs).
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7. Chapati of @travelingchapati
Adopted while her pawrents were on the road in Asia, Chapati now gets to go along on all the travels around the world.
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8. Django and Chloe of @django_and_chloe
Two canines for the price of one, these Brazilian-based dogs are best friends who travel together.
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