Here Are The 10 Best TED Talks Of All Time

Of all the TED Talks out there, there are a handful that stand out in our memories as the greats — the talks that speak to us in a way that gets our butts moving in the right direction. Most importantly, they inspire us to be better people, to explore, to wonder and to help the world be a beautiful place. Here are our favorites.
1. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” — Simon Sinek
What it will teach you: That if you’re serious about being a leader and, even more importantly, serious about inspiring change, you have to constantly question your practices, as well as the practices of those around you. Ask “Why?” every chance you get, even if it’s annoying because, ultimately, whatever explanation comes as a result will tell you if something is right or wrong.
2. “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” — Ken Robinson
What it will teach you: That while school is certainly important, institutions could be rearranged to harness and nurture creativity rather than produce positive data results. Robinson even argues that teaching students to find their own creative outlets will result in more productivity overall.
3. “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” — Amy Cuddy
What it will teach you: That body language says a lot about you, especially to people who don’t know you well. The social psychologist uses data to explain why having a “power stance” (basically just good posture and an “I can do this” face) can induce feelings of confidence even if you don’t feel confident. More importantly, checking your body language can help you come across as friendly but powerful, and it can get you far in life.
4. “Underwater Astonishments” — David Gallo
What it will teach you: That sometimes, you just need to see the wonders of the world to gain true perspective. Gallo shows footage of gorgeous sea creatures in every corner of the Earth, including techy neon displays featuring the various fish of the seas. Yep, we’re somehow more inspired by this TED Talk than we are when our building does Bagel Mondays. And that says a lot, guys.
5. “The Power of Vulnerability” — Brené Brown
What it will teach you: That above all things, you shouldn’t be afraid to flex your human connection powers. Brown argues that, based on her research and discoveries, vulnerability will only make you more successful in the long run. You’ll be more able to connect with those around you and you’ll help endorse a society in which humans can be emotionally honest with each other.
6. “If I Should Have A Daughter…” — Sarah Kay
What it will teach you: That poetry can reveal, heal and teach. Kay, who is a spoken word poet, speaks about how she plans to empower her daughter and includes the story of her own metamorphosis from wide-eyed teenager to teacher of Project V.O.I.C.E. Women, listen up!
7. “Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m A Model.” — Cameron Russell
8. “10 Ways To Have A Better Conversation” — Celeste Headlee
9. “A 12-Year-Old App Developer” — Thomas Suarez
What it will teach you: That age doesn’t mean a thing when it comes to intellect and genius. Suarez taught himself how to become a product developer and, as a result, he did what most people would deem as impossible: he created an app. Not only is he helping other kids become developers, but he’s teaching the world that you can learn and achieve at any age.
10. “What Makes A Good Life? Lessons From The Longest Study On Happiness” — Robert Waldinger
What it will teach you: That the longest running study on happiness has to have some truth to it. Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger says that based on the data he has access to and responses from over 700 men throughout their lives, he believes his team has cracked the code to living a happy, healthy life. The code? Quality relationships
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