5 Sneaky Ways To Add More Fiber To Your Diet


Do you think about how much fiber you get on a daily basis? Probably not, because you’re thinking, I’m not old! Why should I worry? Well, it’s important to have a good handle on your diet early on, and that means consuming enough fiber. Men who are 50 or younger should have 38 grams of fiber each day, while women in the same age range should have 25 grams, according to The Mayo Clinic. Research has shown that both genders don’t get nearly enough fiber in their diets in the context of recommendations.

Not into eating bran flakes? We don’t blame you, we’re not either. So here’s a few easy ways to add fiber to your diet.

1. Eat an apple every day.


Apples are an incredible source of fiber, and they’re easy to incorporate into your diet since they’re so portable. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health found that an apple a day provides enough pectin to keep you full for over four hours.

2. Snack on trail mix.


The benefit of trail mix goes way beyond the protein and carbs it contains. If it includes high-fiber cereal, then you have a sustainable mid-day treat that will load you up with the good stuff.

3. Add beans to your salad.


Aside from being a great source of non-animal protein, kidney beans and chickpeas are the perfect add-in to any salad if you’re looking for a more fiber-rich meal. A quarter cup of kidney beans adds a whopping five grams of fiber to your diet, according to Lisa Andrews, RD, a nutritionist at the VA Medical Center in Cincinnati.

4. Swap mashed potatoes for cauliflower.


It’s surprising how similar mashed cauliflower tastes to the potato alternative. While we love our potatoes, cauliflower adds a little more fiber without compromising taste, so why not switch? Seems like an easy choice to us.

5. Start every dinner with a romaine salad.


Greens provide tons of nutrients, from magnesium and potassium all the way down to — yep — fiber. Everyday Health reports that just six leaves of romaine pack in three and a half grams of fiber, which will keep you fuller and regulate your digestive system.

We’re not old, but we should all care about how much fiber is going into our bodies. Trust us when we say it’s worth it every time. No matter how you get your fiber, just get it.