6 Questions You Should Ask A Potential Employer In A Job Interview


Preparing for job interviews can be totally nerve-wracking. You may feel like you’re taking a big test proctored by human resources and influential members of the company you’d like to join, but that’s not entirely true. You should be interviewing the company as much as it’s interviewing you, so make sure to ask questions. But don’t ask just any questions — hit these six, and you’ll look prepared and invested in your potential opportunity. Here’s what you need to ask:

1. Why is this position available?

Interviewers typically have no issues asking why you’re looking for a job or why you’re not happy with your current position (if applicable), so feel free to ask why the spot opened up. It shows that you genuinely care about the company’s decisions.

2. What is the six-month trajectory of this role?

Feel free to change the time frame depending on your industry (some industries move more quickly than others), but what you’re asking is for your interviewer’s vision for your role. Will you have flexibility to grow your position or transition into another one eventually? What are the goals of the position? All these questions fit under the trajectory inquiry.

3. Where would you like to see the company in the next five years?

Again, the time frame depends on the industry, but by asking this question, you’re showing interest in the company’s long-term vision, goals and success. Most companies, even the smaller ones, aim to hire employees who won’t bail after a short amount of time, so it’s probably important for your potential company to know that you want to stick around for a while.


4. What are three qualities you’re looking for in a top candidate?

By asking what interviewers are looking for in their ideal candidate, you’re showing serious interest in making sure that this role is a good fit for you as much as you’re a good fit for the role. Consider it the reverse of their question, “What are you looking for in your next position?”

5. Can you describe a typical workday for someone in this position?

Being interested in what your potential role will involve on a day-to-day basis shows that you’re thinking critically about this opportunity. You’re analyzing whether the workload is too much or too little for you, which again proves that you’re thinking intelligently about whether the position is a good fit for you.

6. What is your timeline for getting back to candidates with next steps?

This question signals that you’re interested in pursuing the position further. Making that point may seem obvious, but if you don’t spell out that you’d like to move forward, interviewers may second guess how you feel walking out of the room. If you feel that the position is a good fit based on what you discussed with your interviewers, make that known and then ask when you can expect to hear back.