This Is The Ultimate Ranking Of Harry Potter Foods From Worst To Best
When it comes to Harry Potter, we’d do just about anything to transport ourselves to the wizarding world for a day. Mostly, we’d go back to try the number of magical sweets that are featured in the book and movie series. Speaking of which, here’s our ranking of 10 prevalent HP foods from the absolute worst to wow-I-need-this-ASAP type of treat.
10. Hagrid’s Rock Cakes
According to the books, Hagrid serves Harry and Ron “rock cakes,” which are a cross between a fruit cake and a scone, though Hagrid’s were said to be so hard that the kids nearly broke their teeth trying to eat them. We bet if you made his recipe in real life, though, you could probably come out with a much less offensive pastry.
9. Exploding Bonbons
We’re sure that these bonbons taste amazing, but guys, they literally exploded in kids’ mouths at Hogwarts. Like, come on. We had to knock them just for the fact that they legitimately aren’t safe. But we bet that IRL these treats are just made with popping candy, which doesn’t sound too bad.
8. Harry’s 11th Birthday Cake
Man, we love Hagrid in the books and in the movies, but you have to admit that the dude just can’t cook — and he probably can’t bake. We can’t be sure what the cake actually tasted like, but given Hagrid’s culinary history (Hello?! The rock cakes?!), we just can’t trust it. Even so, Dudley got to it first, and we can’t necessarily trust his taste judgment, either.
7. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans
While we’d love the majority of these flavors (peppermint, chocolate, watermelon, etc.), there are too many curveballs thrown our way. You could pop a vomit-flavored bean, or perhaps a soap-flavored bean. Awful flavors like booger and rotten egg are also potentials, and you don’t know what you have till you eat it. To us, the risk isn’t worth it. All we want is our damn candy fix!
6. Kreacher’s French Onion Soup
Kreacher, who readers will remember is the old AF house elf who was left to Harry Potter after Sirius Black died, was enslaved by the Black household and performed daily chores like cleaning and, of course, cooking. Here’s the deal — he served the French onion soup to Harry, Ron and Hermione, and Harry thought it was as good as French onion soup could get, but we knock points because the poor elf is still enslaved. We don’t support slave labor!
5. Hogwarts Steak And Kidney Pie
While we’re not huge fans of kidney, we can’t allow our personal preferences to get in the way of an otherwise probably great dish. The pie was served during special occasions at Hogwarts, and Kreacher even promised Harry, Ron and Hermione that he would make it for them when they got back from the ministry.
4. Chocolate Frogs
They could be pesky little things in the series — they literally came alive and jumped out at you. (Talk about feeling guilty for eating them!) But they’re a classic trolley treat. What’s better than a solid mound of chocolate in the shape of a frog? Well, anyway, it’s a solid choice.
3. Mrs. Weasley’s Impossibly Easy Fudge
While you can find the recipe on many a-Harry Potter-loving websites, the fact that Mrs. Weasley made this fudge gives us high hopes for what it might taste like for real. The woman was a true gem, and the series proved that her cooking was phenomenal.
2. Butterbeer
Ha, you knew we were gonna praise this one because, honestly, butterbeer is the true culinary mascot of the Harry Potter series. It’s sweet, frothy and comforting. Even better, there are a ton of ways you can enjoy butterbeer, and it’s fairly easy to make.
1. Sherbet Lemon Candies
While this may be controversial, our number one spot goes to Dumbledore’s favorite candy, lemon sherbet candies, and we’re not the least bit sorry. The guy was a true OG, and we trust his judgment on basically everything, including candy. The lemon-flavored candy, which is supposedly fizzy on the inside, was the password to his office, for crying out loud. They had to have been good.