7 Foods You Should Eat When Flying


For some, traveling is a piece of cake and you can’t get enough of it. For others, getting on a plane is something you dread for one reason or another. You can help make the whole ordeal a little more manageable by eating the right foods at the right time. You want to eat foods low in sodium and avoid deep-fried foods, fatty foods and foods that give you gas like baked beans, chickpeas, broccoli, cabbage, lentils and onions.

Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the flight. Jet bloat is real — the higher the altitude, the more gas expands your body. If you make a habit out of chewing gum on a plane, this might contribute to the bloat. Every time you open your mouth to chew, you’re letting extra air into your body, which can lead to bloating and gas. Here are 7 foods you should eat when you’re flying.

1. Ginger

Ginger is the all-star of natural remedies for motion sickness. It’s been used for centuries and while it doesn’t work for everyone, it’s effective a lot of the time. Since most people don’t bring fresh ginger to the airport, you can buy ginger ale or ginger tea once you get past security and drink it before or during your flight to help with any nausea.

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2. Bananas

Bananas are just about the easiest and cheapest thing to buy before a flight and they’ll help you out with motion sickness. Bananas stimulate the stomach to produce mucus along its lining, which prevents contact between the stomach and any acidic gastric substances. These acidic substances are the primary cause of nausea. If your motion sickness hits you fast, bananas will help replenish the potassium you lose from any vomiting that happens.

3. Oats

If all you want to do on your next flight is PTFO, then consider eating oatmeal. Grab a snack-sized oatmeal in the airport and eat it while you’re waiting or on the plane. Oats contain melatonin, which relaxes the body, and tryptophan, the same amino acid that makes you tired after eating turkey. Oats also contain carbs and fiber, which can keep your hunger at bay throughout the flight.

4. Chamomile Tea

Hopefully, your airline will have chamomile as a tea option. The herbal remedy helps to eliminate gas, soothe your stomach and relax your intestinal muscles. For any motion sickness problems just ask the flight attendant for a hot cup of chamomile.

5. Lean Protein

Grab a bagel with lox before you hit the airport. Nuts or grilled chicken breast would also work. Lean protein is a good choice for a balanced and healthy pre-travel snack. Protein can also help to offset any sugary temptations you might have while you’re walking past the snack kiosks to your gate. 

6. Oranges 

While you should stay away from apples when you’re flying, oranges, on the other hand, are ideal. They’re packed with Vitamin C, which is well-known to boost your immunity. Since planes are packed with germs, the more you can boost your immune system, the better. Oranges will also give you an extra dose of hydration. 

7. Yogurt

If you can get your hands on yogurt that has natural probiotics, you’ll help your body to fight off digestive issues. The protein in yogurt helps to fill you up so you won’t need to snack as much throughout the flight. If you’re even slightly lactose intolerant, don’t risk it with the yogurt. You don’t need any extra stomach issues while you’re up in the air.