Expats Reveal The Best (And Worst) Cities To Live In Worldwide

Dreaming of moving to another country? A new survey by Expat Insider gathered information from more than 12,500 expatriates living across the globe and then ranked 65 countries from best to worst based on 40 different factors (like family life and cost of living) accounted for in their feedback. Below are the best destinations for foreigners to adopt as their new home according to those who have already done it.
1. Bahrain
The unexpected king of expatriate locales is a nation of islands in the Arabian Gulf. Bahrain took top place for how quickly people feel at home. Most native residents speak English, thus preventing any language barriers, and the country has an impressive work-life balance. The hot summers and mild winters don’t hurt, either.
2. Costa Rica
The slow pace of life in Costa Rica earned the Central American country second place in the expat rankings. You’ve got both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, rainforests and sloth sanctuaries. It’s no mystery why we all feel a gravitational pull towards Costa Rica’s pura vida!
3. Mexico
Mexico is an expat favorite. The country always rates in the top five for its cost of living, friendly communities and delicious food. The diversity of both culture and climate allows expats to customize their experience, whether they’re bound for Mexico City or Oaxaca.
4. Taiwan
The small island country of Taiwan has affordable housing and healthcare, making expat finances a pretty comfortable situation.
5. Portugal
Beautiful, historic Portugal climbed the ranks this year. The country has happy people, a great quality of life, access to the sea and mountains, and charming city life.
The Middle Ground
The rest of the top 10 includes New Zealand, Malta, Colombia, Singapore and Spain.
If you’re wondering where the good ol’ U.S.A. falls, we’re down at number 43. Make of that what you will.
The Worst
The bottom three include Greece, Kuwait and Nigeria, all places where economic and financial difficulties make it challenging to afford a high quality of life. Expats and locals alike struggle to find good childcare, education and transportation options.