5 Beer Myths Debunked

Beer is universally loved; it’s the perfect drink for pretty much any occasion. Beer is a conversation starter, icebreaker, inexpensive buzz and flavorful cooking tool. It’s no surprise that the carbonated beverage is the preferred drink of choice in the United States. According to The Harris Poll, 38 percent of Americans drink beer, 31 percent drink wine and 28 percent drink liquor and spirits. That being said, a lot of false assumptions are made about beer, and you know what they say about assuming. Here are some common beer myths, debunked.
1. Beer Should Be Served Ice-Cold
The truth is, all beers are different so there’s no right answer here. Ads everywhere show beads of water dripping down frosty cans of beer so we think, ok gotta keep it cold. If we’re talking about the light, commercially-produced beers, then yes, you’ll want to keep those cold. When it comes to craft beers and lagers though, you don’t need to serve them ice cold. If you’re drinking a beer because you actually want to taste its flavor, a warmer temperature will actually enhance those flavors and make them more perceptible. The cold suppresses those underlying flavor notes.

2. Canned Beer And Bottled Beer Are The Same
Draft beer is better than bottled beer for the most part, and canned beer can be better than bottled beer. Canning allows for a proper seal of the beer, but in a glass bottle, oxygen can leak in more easily. Cans also prevent light from getting in, and since light and oxygen are beer’s worst enemies, cans seem to win over bottles. Draft beer is great when you need to serve beer quickly. If there was a hierarchy of the three, it would probably be drafts, cans and then bottles from best to worse, in terms of freshness.
3. Beer Will Go Bad If It’s Left Out Of The Fridge For Too Long
You should drink beer within a day or two of opening it (you can put it in the fridge in the meantime), or else forget it. When it comes to storing unopened beer, you don’t need to put it in the fridge. If it’s in a bottle, just keep it away from light. For kegs and canned beer, all you need to do is keep them in a dark, cool place like the pantry. Don’t be worried if you leave your unopened beer out. You can pop it in the fridge when you’re ready to drink and all will be good.

4. Dark Beer Is Stronger Than Pale Beer
People tend to think dark beers are stronger than pale beers, but that’s not true. Beer color is determined by the color of the malt used. When the brewer adds a larger amount of malt that’s either been toasted, roasted or caramelized, to the mash, a darker beer results. There are plenty of powerful beers out there that are a pale golden color, so don’t make any assumptions here. Make sure to check the beer’s ABV if you’re at all concerned about the strength.
5. The Shape Of The Beer Glass Doesn’t Affect The Taste
You might think the shape of your beer glass won’t affect the taste, but according to Britain’s first Beer Sommelier Of The Year, Jane Peyton, “The shape of a beer glass can definitely affect the taste and drinking experience of the beer.” Payton explains that when you use a glass with a narrow rim, it encourages sipping and the beer reaches the front and sides of your tongue first. This is where acidity and sweetness come through. A glass with a wider rim makes it easier to glug your beer so it’ll reach the back of your tongue where bitterness is detected. If you have a certain beer that you’re obsessed with, maybe it’s worth investing in the right type of glass.