This Bedtime Story For Grownups Is Pure Sleep Magic

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Do you remember how your favorite bedtime story always sent you into the most peaceful slumber as a kid? Well, get ready to experience the sleepy miracle again as a full-grown adult, thanks to the latest addition to the meditation app Calm.

A new audio story on the app called “Blue Gold” is working wonders for people struggling to drift off to sleep at night. Actor Stephen Fry, who is known for his oh-so-soothing voice, narrates the tale about taking a stroll through lavender fields in Provence, France. The recording is 24 minutes long, but we doubt you’ll be able to make it to the end before dozing off.

The folks at Calm say, “We challenge anyone to stay awake for all 24 minutes of this sleep-inducing masterpiece by Stephen Fry.”

If you want to make the experience feel even more authentic and relaxing, we suggest spritzing some lavender oil on your pillow, too. We’re feeling even more Zen just thinking about it.

This is pretty much the only time we’re going to tell you to grab your phone to help you fall asleep, so take full advantage here. Sometimes, all you need is a little distraction from your stressful thoughts to drift off to dreamland, and apps like this will help you far more than any social media feed scrolling ever will.