Amazon Prime Members Can Now Enjoy Free 2-Hour Delivery From Whole Foods

If you’ve been wishing for a world where you can get your Whole Foods groceries delivered straight to your door, you might be in luck. Amazon Prime customers now have a new delivery perk: They’ll be able to enjoy free two-hour delivery from Whole Foods on orders of $35 or more.
Customers in Cincinnati, Austin, Dallas and Virginia Beach will be the first ones granted access to this service, although Amazon plans to expand the delivery option across the United States this year.

Amazon Prime customers can choose from thousands of items, ranging from organic produce to baked goods to seafood to everyday staples. Certain types of alcohol are also available for delivery to Prime customers. In addition to the free delivery between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., there’s also a one hour-delivery option available for $7.99 on orders of $35 or more.
Customers can check out this site to see if they’re included in the delivery areas. Let’s hope this service becomes a nationwide option soon!