Amazon Opened A Cashier-Less Grocery Store And It’s All Kinds Of Futuristic

When it comes to food shopping, the less we have to carry with us, the better. And Amazon, being the intuitive, consumer-driven company it is, has made wallets, lines and grocery carts all obsolete with its “Just Walk Out” technology in its latest shopping experience.
Amazon Go, the brick-and-mortar grocery store in Seattle, Washington, replaces cashiers with a smartphone app. And from the moment customers walk into the store, hundreds of cameras are tracking their every move. Convenient? Yes. Kinda creepy? Definitely.
When you walk in, you scan your phone by the door, which connects your presence at the Amazon store with your Amazon profile. The hundreds of cameras track your movements — and details about every single item you pick up or put back — through infrared sensors.
Once you select what you need, you can just walk right through the exit turnstiles with your items and your phone downloads a receipt for what you took along with a timestamp of how long you spent in the store.
Amazon’s technology might be taking jobs away from cashiers, but there will be other ways for employees to be involved with the customer experience, according to The Washington Post.
Basically, Amazon Go is stimulating the feeling of stealing food but without repercussions, because everything you take is caught on camera and charged to you no matter what. So weird, so cool.