What Happens To Your Body When You Stay Inside All Day

Jimmy Bay / Unsplash
In case you weren’t absolutely sure, staying inside all day is bad for you. How bad really depends on what you do the whole day, but unless you’re a yoga enthusiast who can’t stop moving, it isn’t good.
Whether you’re working from home or enjoying a long Sunday, 24-plus hours sans sunshine and fresh air can wreak havoc on your body.
A study published in Time found that an absence of direct natural light alone can throw off your circadian “clock,” which regulates pretty much your entire body from mood to sleep schedules to appetite. Lack of sunlight has similar effects to jet lag, which any traveler knows is…a trip.

Joseph Albanese
Then there’s that thing about sitting for a long period of time, which is dangerous. Another study conducted by Mercola Fitness showed that the average working American sits for 13-15 hours a day, and that even strenuous exercise can’t counteract the negative effects. Sitting on a couch, especially, or lounging, for an entire day can pose both immediate and long-term health effects such as slower metabolism, higher risk of serious illnesses like type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Other research backs claims that spending less time sitting and more time outdoors can actually alleviate symptoms of depression and up your energy.
Basically, don’t sit on your butt all day. Make sure to get up every hour, commit to a 30-minute exercise session, or at the very least, get some fresh air. Your body will thank you for it.