The Adult Version Of A Ring Pop Is Actually Amazing

If you didn’t love ring pops growing up, were you even a child? There is nothing more nostalgic than the sweet diamond-shaped candies that would make your hands sticky as hell. Well, the fun didn’t have to stop at childhood. A grown-up version exists, and it tastes like booze. Oh, and it’s cute, too.
Refinery29 reports that the ring pops, which are made by a NYC-based candy company called Sweet Saba, look as good as they probably taste. Sweet Saba is known for candies that are too beautiful to be true.
The confection is named “Campari on the Rocks,” and it doubles as a trendy cocktail ring. It features long candy crystals in a deep red color.
Campari on the Rocks tastes like Campari, of course, though the alcohol is all cooked out of the candy.
You can buy the ring on Sweet Saba’s website for $62. That’s a steep price compared to a Ring Pop’s retail value of under $2, but considering that the ring can double as a cocktail adornment and it’s stylish AF, we can’t help but consider buying one.