Surprising Reasons You Feel Tired All The Time


The pull of those plump comforters before you head to the office can feel like the weight of the world. You hit the snooze button five times before groggily stumbling into the shower. Then you down three cups of coffee before noon to snap your brain awake. And by 2 p.m., you’re nodding off so badly at your desk that you might just fall out of your chair entirely. What gives? Why do you feel so freaking tired no matter what you do?

It may be because you haven’t made the right adjustments that will give you that energy boost you crave. Below are 10 surprising reasons you’re constantly yawning and what to do about them.

You’re dehydrated.


You might be tired of being told to drink more water, but it is easier to chug than that sixth cup of coffee. Poorly balanced fluids can make you feel sluggish — even when you’re just slightly dehydrated. You can feel moody and struggle to think clearly as well. To figure out exactly how much water you need in a day (it’s not the same for everyone), use this hydration calculator.

 You’re sleeping too much.


We know this one sounds counterintuitive, but oversleeping can have similar side effects as not logging enough Z’s. And drastically changing your sleep schedule on the weekends causes even more damage. Keep it between 7 to 9 hours a night, and you’ll be good to go.

Your thyroid isn’t working like it should.


If you have an underactive thyroid gland, which is responsible for balancing hormones associated with your metabolism, your energy levels can suffer, causing fatigue, concentration issues and muscle soreness when it goes untreated. Luckily, a simple blood test at your doctor’s office can determine if this one is an issue for you.

You don’t prioritize time with Mother Nature.


This one is a double edged sword. First, by spending most of your days indoors, you miss major opportunities to soak up a fair amount of vitamin D from the sun, and that deficiency can leave you feeling pretty drained. Second, it’s likely that you’re not getting as much exercise as you need, which drags out that sluggish feeling even further. Take a walk during your lunch break to solve both of these problems at the same time.

You sit for the majority of your day.


Damn you, desk chair! Sitting in the same position over an extended period of time is sure to steal your thunder, especially as siesta time rolls around. And staring at a computer screen while immobile only makes your case of the sleepies worse. Make a point to get up and lap the office once an hour to help your body press reset.

You’re overexercising.


There is such a thing as too much exercise, and when you reach that point, you feel as though all the work you’ve done to feel great was a total waste. It goes beyond muscle soreness too; sometimes, overexercising and depleting the body can lead to an onset of depression. So grant yourself a rest day here and there and see how you feel.

You have a food sensitivity.


People don’t often associate fatigue with food issues, but if you’re suffering from a food sensitivity or intolerance (even if you don’t know it), your exhaustion could be related to your diet. Keeping a food dairy and monitoring when your sleepy symptoms begin can be a good place to start in determining if you need to avoid a particular food group altogether.

Your iron levels are low.


Iron plays an incredibly important role in transporting the oxygen in your blood throughout the body. So when you’re not consuming enough of it, your body’s oxygen intake and use decreases, which will certainly leave you feeling exhausted. This is another one that can be easily assessed via a blood test at your doctor’s office. Add some leafy greens or tuna into your meals for an iron boost and (hopefully) a deeper night’s sleep.

You’re part of a toxic friend group.


Does spending time with negative colleagues and sour friends make you feel like your best self? Of course not, it’s draining AF and generally not a healthy social situation to accept as the norm. Consciously focus on what makes you feel positive and grateful, and ditch the Debby downers as much as you need in order to maintain your own balance.

You’re way overstressed.


This one might be a little more obvious, but we want to explain what happens scientifically when your body maxes out on stress. If you let your cortisol and adrenaline levels get too far out of whack and for a prolonged period of time, you can end up with adrenal fatigue (the adrenal glands are responsible for elevating these hormones). When this happens, you feel utterly depleted and exhausted, and it takes you far longer to bounce back than semi-regular yoga class attendance would.

You’re getting too much screen time. 

That pesky Netflix screen does more than keep you binge-watching the latest season of your favorite show. Blue light emitted from your screen can interrupt your natural melatonin levels – also known as signals your brain sends when it’s time for sleep. Try to turn off your screens an hour before bedtime for some well-deserved deep zzzz’s.