Uncle Boons Features Vibrant Thai Cooking From Per Se Alums
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- Ann Redding and Matt Danzer, the husband and wife behind Uncle Boons, met while working at Thomas Keller’s Per Se. The bold and dynamic food at the couple’s first solo venture won the restaurant its first Michelin star in 2016
- What to eat: Thankfully, pad thai is nowhere to be seen. Get the puu pet (spicy broiled crab), the mee krob (sweetbreads with crispy noodles, dried shrimp, and tamarind sauce), and the khao soi khaa kai (Northern-style curry with homemade egg noodles, chicken, pickled mustard greens, and fresh turmeric
- Uncle Boons serves a selection of “Thai streetside tonics” under its cocktail menu. Choose from the water buffalo spirit (for virility and stamina), the golden tiger (for luck and good fortune), and the peacock tears (a love potion)
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Uncle Boons serves beer slushies that are pretty useful for getting through a spice-filled dinner. Choose from beers from Thailand, Singapore, Laos, Spain, or Germany. Be sure to also check out Mr. Donahue’s, the pair’s comfort food haven on Mott Street