JetSmarter Is Giving Lucky Thanksgiving Travelers Free Private Jet Flights

Courtesy JetSmarter

If you’re lucky, you can avoid the madness of Thanksgiving travel on a peaceful private jet.

JetSmarter, a private jet renting app, is giving some Thanksgiving travelers the opportunity to fly home for the holiday on a comfy and serene private jet.

Anyone dreaming of that jet-setting journey home for Thanksgiving must submit a video on Instagram or Facebook explaining why they want to “get home in style,” according to the offer guidelines.

Make sure to tag your holiday story videos with @jetsmarter and #jetmehome.

Courtesy JetSmarter

The star-treatment offer isn’t available everywhere, just for certain travel routes. If you’re in NYC heading to Boston, Chicago or D.C., you’re in luck, as are travelers heading to several cities in Florida. (See the full list on the JetSmarter website.)

Winners of the contest will be announced on November 20, just four days before Turkey Day. So get ‘gramming and take your shot at doing the busiest travel day of the year luxury-style.