This Home Decor Will Give You Seriously Good Mojo
No matter how much space or money you have to spare in updating your home, we all want to return to our houses and apartments to a positive vibe. This happy home decor is sure to help you wake up on the right side of the bed every morning, and keep it that way.
1. A Bright Little Corner: It’s pretty difficult not to feel like you’re on vacation just by looking at this wallpaper.
2. Greenhouse Galore: Fresh plants are said to be good luck symbols in the home and can provide a number of health benefits.
3. Artwork That Makes You Think: Keeping complex pieces around your home will bring a dynamic that all intellectuals and creatives alike will welcome.
4. Candles Everywhere: If candles don’t bring you serenity (and make your home smell great), you’re getting the wrong candles.
5. Keep Some Crystals Nearby: This obviously isn’t confirmed, but crystals are said to have calming properties and can give you peace of mind when in times of stress. Hey, it’s worth a try.
Keep your options bright and positive when redoing your space. After all, good mojo could be right around the corner (in your local home shop).